WEINWISSER: "Dichtes Rubingranat, mittlerer Rand mit zarten Orangereflexen. Grandiose Nase, die sich sehr kräutrig mit würziger Kulisse öffnet: Liebstöckel, Ricola-Kräuterbonbon, Kardamom und dunkle Beeren der kühlen Art stecken im Angélus-Strauss. Eleganter, fast schon mineralischer Gaumen, der mit einer wunderbaren Süsse daherkommt, auch hier wieder Würze und erdige Noten nach Leder und Lakritze, die feine Oxidation verleiht dem Wein morbiden Charme, die von einer salzigen und frischen Textur begleitet wird, sehr elegant und verführerisch. Eine grossartige Flasche, so animierend wie diese spektakuläre Party."
WINE SPECTATOR: "Crushed berry and dark chocolate. Slightly reserved in the nose. Full-bodied, with loads of layered, velvety tannins. Big, yet refined and beautiful. Long and caressing. Give this time.--'95/'96 Bordeaux retrospective. Best after 2009."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "This is typical 1995 in that it’s young, tannic, masculine and still vigorous and foreboding. This vintage at age 20 seems reluctant to evolve in the most graceful manner possible, but it is still easily holding on to life and still has a fair amount of tannin left to resolve. The wine is concentrated, but will the tannin ever soften to the point where it is well-integrated? This can be drunk now, as the aromatics are enticing and complex. Although, be aware of the tannin clout the wine still possesses. Drink 2017-2030."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Structured, masculine, tannic, firm style of this normally, velvety textured wine is going to appeal to lovers of old school, traditional styled Bordeaux more than it did for me. This will be very long lived, but it's not going to have the sexy personality I love and associate with Angelus."